Weekly Moves | Mar 14 – 20

This week is all about connecting to the power of movement, and the way it can make us feel confident, joyful, and calm. Rather than focusing on how movement makes you look, we want to remind you of the impact it has on our inner world. Enjoy movement, however much or little you do. This week’s schedule previews the first 7 days of a 30-day playlist curated by Canadian actor Jordan Connor. As you move through the week, pay careful attention to how you feel before, during, and after each workout.


The Schedule


Day 1 – Physical Education with Adrian. Start off by watching Jordan’s welcome video, then get moving with the functional strength training class Physical Education. Wake up your body with a Warm Up, then engage in a series of Lower-Body, Upper-Body, and Core intervals. Tip: use your breath to fuel each movement. Finish off with intention during the Cool Down and show yourself some love for the work you put in today. Time: 22 mins


Day 2 – Breath Workshop & Core Workshop with Adrian. First, learn how to optimize your breathing mechanics. Then, learn about the structure and function of your core and how it affects how you move in the world. Improved breath and a strong core will help you better perform daily activities like picking up groceries, trying a new workout, or sitting at your desk. Time: 12 mins


Day 3 – Power Punch with Rob. Today’s boxing class introduces you to the explosive Cross! Follow Rob through a dynamic Warm Up, strengthening exercises, and a low-impact Cool Down. Tip: try to find your boxing rhythm. And remember, if you don’t have the suggested equipment, just move through the exercises without it. Time: 22 mins


Day 4 – Breath Practice & Sit Practice. Breathing is one of the most important things we do. Breathing correctly can help to reduce stress and provide you with a calm confidence. Carry forward what you learned to the Sit Practice as you follow along with Amanda. Feel tension releasing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Time: 12 mins


Day 5 – Season Opener with Dom. Challenge yourself today with a HIIT style workout that combines footwork, core, and compound exercises. Feel how impactful just 20-minutes of moving can be. Tip: do this class when you’re in need of a boost of energy or motivation. Time: 22 mins


Day 6 – Spine Practice with Amanda
Day 7 – Full Body Yoga Practice with Amanda

This weekend, double up with back-to-back classes or do one each day –– whatever your body needs. We recommend adding these classes to your fitness practice if you spend a lot of time doing one type of activity like cycling, weight lifting, or running. Once you’ve finished the week, check in with yourself and take note of how you feel. Time: 35 mins

Creativity Bonus

If you find yourself stuck on a challenging move or unable to do a certain exercise, try going off script by moving your body spontaneously and freely. Do a dance move or wiggle, kick your feet in the air. If you’re feeling frustrated, try smiling or laughing. See what difference that makes in your practice.